With more than 20 years in the industry, Nic & Wes has built a collection of homes in different sizes, different styles and different themes. While themes may overlap with Cotemporary, Modern, Tropical, Colonial, European and Asian with the main style requests, not one home mirrors the other.
The Nic & Wes way is to design and build lifestyle homes to be proud of and much of the tailoring centers around the respective families. Two families may request for a black and white colonial home, but no two homes are alike. This difference in design goes beyond the plot size or build-up but it stems from understanding the family and their lifestyle. Through our meetings with various homeowners, our designers work at establishing a distinction in design that is customised to the family. Tweaks in profile, colour, textures, materials, nooks and crannies each play important roles in pulling the design of a home apart from the other.
There is beauty in diversity, and it is through that that we are able to create bespoke lifestyle homes that should and must reflect the individual families. When that is achieved, the house becomes a home. It becomes more than just a concrete structure, but it evokes the taste, style and personalities of the family that inhabit it.
A bespoke home is tailor-made to a family, unique and personalised. At Nic & Wes, we prioritise the essence of family and home which becomes the key focus in designing and creating lifestyle homes that the respective families can build new memories in.